On Call Counseling

On-Call CounselingAlcohol Treatment
Addiction does not follow a schedule. Anyone dependent on alcohol or drugs to help them through the day knows that you can’t put off that need. The urge to use can interrupt work, family time, important events, it can even rob you of your time to sleep. On Call Counseling is vital to helping you move forward to a new life. It’s important for your recovery that you have someone who understands what you’re going through available to you 24/7. Anytime, day or night, a counselor will be available to you on the phone. Any time you need someone who’s been there, someone who understands and can listen without judgment. Our counselors are all recovering addicts and know exactly what you are going through.
With outpatient treatment, you can lead your life and be there for the things that are important to you, knowing that you have an on call counselor there whenever you need them. You can call to talk to someone when you have time, discretely, whenever you need us. Your on call counselor will be there with respect and care to help you discover the changes you can make to get through that moment and continue your path to a happy, healthy life, free from your addiction. The urge to use can come at anytime, even when you think you’ve got it under control. We will be there when you need us, providing healthy suggestions that encourage reliance on the strength of your recovery so that you can work through these feelings and learn how to avoid them in the future.